intermittent fasting

weight loss coach

Hi, I'm Dio

Have you experimented with vegan, keto, juice cleanses, meal replacements shakes, and every other diet out there, sometimes even lose some weight, only to gain it back again plus more?

What if I told you that the secret to better health and weight loss is simpler than you think?

No crash-dieting, no killer workouts, and no food restrictions required. Sound too good to be true?

Well, I’m happy to tell you that this can be your reality!

Intermittent Fasting is an easy-to-start ancient practice that has scientifically-proven health benefits and is the most effective catalyst for fat-burning!

I can help you get healthier, gain freedom from the dieting roller coaster, and lose weight while eating delicious food with a personalized one-on-one coaching

Click here for my client's before and afters!

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I've been there!

I know what it is like to try diet after diet, only to fail and gain even more weight untill I discovered Intermittent Fasting.

I lost weight, I kept it off and learned so much in the process.

Now, by using both my own experience plus the success I’ve had with my clients, I’ve developed my own online weight loss coaching program: "Fasting Queen" to help you reach your weight loss goals too.

In this program I will help you quit dieting once and for all and incorporate intermittent fasting into your daily routine for a healhier, skinnier, happier and confident YOU. Whether you're just hearing about intermittent fasting or you're already practicing it.

Intermittent fasting is not a diet or an one-size-fits all. Your lifestyle and needs are unique so our strategy should be, too!

I will take the time to listen to your specific needs and goals and I will help you discover what you need to reach your goals. My coaching style is approachable, non-dogmatic, non-judmental, and optimistic.

Wanna see the results of some of my clients?

Stop dieting and start a new healthy lifestyle without food restrictions


Before and after results of some of my FASTING QUEENS after following my one-on-one intermittent fasting coaching program


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The Omad Queen was the best coach ever. I’ve never had coaching before but realised my eating habits were not where they needed to be. I signed up for the longest programme because I wanted to ensure that I got as much out of the programme as I could and I’m so glad I did!

Everytine I stumbled, she used it as a teaching opportunity and never ever condemned me or made me feel bad about my mistakes. She was always super encouraging and gave me a lot of praise to motivate and keep me on track. 12 weeks later, I am more disciplined, look so much better and most of all have the right mindset to continue this amazing lifestyle forever!

I feel like she has empowered me to know exactly what to do in different situations which I previously wouldn’t have known what to do. Now I know what to do when I’m at a buffet,

when I’m on holiday, when I have a late dinner with friends etc.

I’ve got this now!

~ Jennifer

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Want results like these?

Fill out the form and I'll contact you to book a FREE discovery call.

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choose for my "Fasting Queen" online coaching?

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There is a lot of misinformation about intermittent fasting out there and trying to figure it all out on your own is tough. Whether you're just hearing about intermittent fasting, already practicing it or want to get back on track, I will help you fit intermittinent fasting into your personal lifestyle.

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Goals & Accountability

I will help you set realistic and achievable goals and also hold you accountable.

Weight loss accountability is a critical factor in success, and having someone there to help you stick to your goals can make a big difference!

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I will help you create healthy eating habits without food restrictions or mealplans to follow. Instead of giving you a strict list of what you’re allowed to eat and when, I will help you identify adjustments you can make towards a healthy diet that leaves you feeling satisfied and energized

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I will help tackle mental hurdles and end the emotional roller coaster that comes along with trying

to lose weight

Why the mindset?

In the short term, you may be able to motivate yourself to work out and eat a slightly more healthy diet for a few weeks. However, without the right mindset for losing weight, you may find yourself slipping back into unhealthy habits

I'm a licensed Mental Health Nurse since 2006 and a certified health coach.

Because of my experience as a mental health nurse plus the success I’ve had with my clients as a coach, I really understand how your emotions & thoughts can lead to self-sabotage,

negative self-talk & all-of-nothing thinking.

What you get ?

"Fasting Queen" Program


Online Coaching Program

open for beginners, intermediate and advanced fasters

  • 1 x 60-min kickstart (video) call
  • Check-ins for accountability, support and motivation.
  • Intermittent fasting guidance
  • Nutrition / portion guidance (no mealplan, calories counting or food restrictions required)
  • Mindful eating support.
  • Learn how to eat out, be social, and enjoy food while practicing Intermittent Fasting
  • Learn how to deal with "hunger"
  • Unlimited in-app messaging with me for questions,

Are you read to invest in yourself in order to finally reach your health goals in a way that does not force you to sacrifice your favorite foods, social life, or happiness ?



12 week coaching USD 289 / EUR 259

(perfect for a intermediate or advanced faster that wants to restart or continue intermittent fasting with the right guidance and tools )


4 week coaching USD 129 / EUR 115

(perfect for a intermittent fasting beginner who wants to discover how intermittent fasting can change her life)

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Still not convinced? Click here for my client's before and afters!

Yes! Let's work together

Here is how it works

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Complete the form

If you want the tools to lose fat while enjoying foods you love.


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Wait to be contacted

You will receive a message from me within 24 hours to schedule a call.


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We'll have a 30 minute free consultation call to discuss your goals & how I can help you achieve them.


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Always seek the advice from a physician before beginning any nutrition and/or exercise program. The information found on is not intended to treat, diagnose, or give nor replace medical advice or to be a substitute for a physician. (and the owner/coach) expressly disclaims responsibility for any adverse effects arising from following any of the nutrition advice, intermittent fasting coaching or weight loss programs without the appropriate medical supervision.